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  • Writer's pictureChristine A. Bautista

DAY 4: Mesjid Raya Sumatra Barat

We went to Mesjid Raya Sumatra Barat, the largest mosque in Padang.

Largest Mosque in Padang

In Muslims, the Call song is called Adzan.

Khatib will have a speech (but not all the time there would be a khatib to give a speech).

Imam will be the leader of the pray. Everyone will do what the Imam will say.

Kalimatshadatat means Christening.

I've discovered that Muslims need to go to mosque 5 times a day but there is an exception for girls. They are not allowed to go to mosque when they have period.

Mimbar is the Muslim term for the altar.

After visiting the Largest Mosque in West Sumatra, we ate lunch near the mosque.

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