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smp pembangunan laboratorium unp

After the establishment of the Pembangungan High School in 1989, the KORPRI UNP Education and Welfare Foundation developed schools for Junior High School Level during the Academic Year 1995-1996. The development of Middle School was established with  the Decree No. 462081 dated October 4, 1995 from the Regional Office of Education and Culture of West Sumatra with Number School Statistics 2004.001.004,085 with the status of Recognized.

At the end of the Academic Year 2009-2010, there were as many as 1455 students who graduated. On the 6th day of May, year 2009 the SMP Kopri Development UNP officially changed its name to the UNP Laboratory Development Middle School and was submitted to UNP to become fully owned and directly under the management of UNP as a Laboratory school, which was led by a Director with two Assistant Directors and Treasurer.

MOTTO: Serving Wholeheartedly

VISION: Quality, Achievement, and Environmental Inspection

VISION Indicator:
a. Faithful
1) Increasing faith and devotion to God Almighty
2) Carry out five-based learning, namely: Faith, Initiative, Industry, Individual and Interaction
3) Doing and increasing the habit of Zuhur prayer in congregation
4) Carry out Islamic activities from Tuesday to Thursday.
5) Carry out Muhadarah activities together every Friday morning and bring in ustadz from outside at the beginning of each month
6) Carry out compulsory extracurricular activities in the form of Tahfidz Al Quran

b. Achievement
1) To produce graduates who are achievers, intelligent, competitive and self-identified
2) Achieving academic and non-academic activities at the city level of Padang and West Sumatra Province
3) Having life skills

c. Environmental Friendly
1) Understand and apply healthy living and care for the environment
2) Utilizing the School environment as a learning resource
3) Carry out morning exercise on Saturdays
4) Carry out mutual cooperation on Saturday and also on the second and fourth Sunday mornings to create a comfortable, clean and healthy school
5) Apply the principles of clean heart, clean mind, and clean the environment

Missions in the Development of the UNP Laboratory
1. Carry out an increase in faith and devotion to God Almighty
2. Carry out five-based learning, namely: Faith, Initiative, Industry, Individual and Interaction
3. Increase mandatory prayer-habitual activities in congregation
4. Improving the habit of reading the Koran together (tadarus), praying together, reading the name of the Prophet, prayer of the Prophet
5. Improve the Tahfihz Al Quran program and students are able to memorize three Juz Al-Quran (Juices 30, 29, and Juz 1)
6. Carry out learning activities based on philosophy "Nature Takambang Become Teacher"
7. Produce outstanding, intelligent, competitive and self-fulfilling graduates.
8. Produce graduates with an average score above 70
9. Achieve achievements in various competitions in the academic and non-academic fields
10. Excel in technology and science
11. Understand and apply healthy life and care for the environment
12. Grow and develop a culture of love for the environment
13. Implement the application of the principles of clean heart, clean mind, and clean environment
14. Carry out the utilization of the school environment as a source and medium of learning

Academic Support System


In Indonesia, education begins with six years in elementary (Sekolah Dasar, SD) followed by three years in middle school (Sekolah Menengah Pertama, SMP) followed by three years in high school (Sekolah Menengah Atas, SMA).

I was assigned in SMP Pembangunan, one of the middle schools in Padang, Indonesia which is owned by Universitas Negeri Padang. SMP Pembangunan is a private school for junior high students.

The school year usually starts on July to May and is divided into two semesters. The first semester starts from July to December while the second semester is from January to June. The students only have few days to prepare for another learning year.

The school uses the student-centered approach in which the teachers serve as the facilitator in the teaching and learning process. The teachers give the students variety of learning experiences regarding the topic and uses different instructional approaches and academic-support strategies to address the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, or cultural backgrounds of individual students and groups of students.

The teaching and learning process is from Mondays to Fridays. During Saturdays, the students still go to school for their physical activities like exercise and etc. However, Sundays are their free days. The class hours usually starts at 8 in the morning except from Mondays because they have their flag raising ceremony at 6:50am.

The school does not have a full day school. The class usually ends at 12:20nn.

Materials and Other Learning Sources

SMP Pembangunan uses materials based in the Curriculum 2013.


The teachers use books as their main source of informations which are provided by the government while some are privately owned by the school. All of the students has their own book. In addition, Internet is also used to get additional information regarding the topic.


Most of the teachers in SMP Pembangunan are using the modern type of teaching in delivering their lessons such as pictures and video presentations while some still uses the traditional materials.


and Evaluation System

After a certain topic was discussed, a formative assessment is given to students to evaluate their understanding regarding the lesson. However in my field of specialization,  Physical Education, there's a practical examination before the formative assessment. Moreover, summative assessment is also given on the half of the semester and on the last part of the semester.

The school does not only evaluate the knowledge and skills of the students but as well as the spiritual and their social skills. The Spiritual and Social skills of the child will be evaluated based on the journal that they will submit to the teachers. While for knowledge skills, there is a formative and summative assessment for the students.s. However, in skills assessment, there is a practical examination of the skills they have acquired. The teachers uses criteria in assessing the skills of the students.

General Curriculum

The curriculum used by SMP Pembangunan is the Curriculum 2013. This curriculum includes the lesson management which will guide educators to have a successful teaching and learning process. It includes the core competencies that should be met after the deliberation of lesson. It also considers the limitations of learning and as well as the interests of the learners. The implementation of this curriculum was on the approval of the school Head Master (Principal).

Teaching Plan


The teaching plan used in SMP Pembangunan is based on the National Curriculum, the Curriculum 2013 which includes the lessons management that will help educators to successfully attain the objectives of the teaching and learning process.

The teaching plan is composed of the Core Competency and Basic Competency and Indicator of Competency Achievement which can be found in the curriculum guide and also the Learning Objectives, Learning Materials, Learning Methods, Learning Media and etc.


Below is the sample of teaching plan used by one of the Physical Education teachers in SMP Pembangunan.

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